Sunday, June 19, 2011

Camicia sleeves

I spent most of the morning fussing over lace inserts for the sleeves.  I started out trying for the zigzag of the extant camisia that I was using for inspiration, but mitering the lace to get a crisp angle made it rather thick.  It just didn't look good with the materials I am using.  Just one of the problems of trying to add lace rather than making integral needlelace.  I considered bagging the lace idea altogether, but since I had 12 yards of the stuff I plowed ahead.  I ended up with horizontal insertions.  They don't look like much thrown across my chair, but I think they will be nice made up into billowy sleeves.  Next up is the insertions between the body panels.  I was considering doing more like the extant piece, but I will probably just end up using Bella's pattern and inserting between the body and side panels.  If I do 2 side panels instead of slitting them (which is how I usually insert my gussets on other types of smocks) it will give me 6 strips of lace in the body piece.  I think that will be plenty and use up most of the lace I purchased.

I finished the edging for the black veil late last night.  Just need to block it and attach it.  The plan is to do that when I change thread colors to make Gandhi's Venetians.  I'd hoped to get them made quickly, but I've got to take the kids to the dentist tomorrow so I may get little to nothing done until Tuesday.  I may try for a late night tonight and see how far I can get with the camisia.

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