My friend Ashley came over yesterday to convince me that tablet weaving garters for this project wasn't a bad idea. She was pretty darn convincing. So convincing in fact that my husband decided I needed to do them that way and ordered a belt shuttle and cards ("Its a good investment, you'll certainly use them again later.") There was also some mention of me making disparaging remarks about my red and white garters and him being tired of hearing about it. She helped me set up the little blue and white sample in the picture. It doesn't look too terrible by the end so I think with just a bit more practice I might get something I won't be embarrassed by.
I'm actually thinking I'll finish the red and white garters since they are nice and stretchy and tie well and then do a pair of tablet woven garters that I add buckles to. Having more than one pair can't be a bad thing. I'm liking my stockings so well that I'm going to be making a couple more pairs of those, starting with a white pair with blackwork.
I also started working on an apron based on one of the extant examples. It went really quickly as long as I was using lace I had in the house. Still need to find or figure out what I'm putting on the outside and the bottom though. The body is all done though. Hope to figure out the trimming today and pleat it up since it was supposed to be a quick project.
Speaking of quick projects-- or not so fast ones, I'm really considering abandoning my plans to do the embroidered pink drawers. I found a really lovely floral trim in my stash that matches the red/orange silk I bought for this project and I'm toying with the idea of doing silk Venetians (the trousers) based on the extant pair in Patterns of Fashion. They would have the trim in the diagonal lines that the pair in the painting I was using for inspiration has. That pair is pink silk so this might actually come out more like the inspiration. Still mulling it over. It would certainly be a lot faster than doing the embroidered pair.
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