Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sorry for the long silence

I've been freaking out a bit about the dress and the other pile of stuff I've got to get done for family obligations.  Dropping out of the IRCC has occurred to me several times and I've been rather whiney, which I'm sure y'all don't need to hear.  But, I'm back in a better mood and we'll spend some time playing catch-up since. I need to show off my garters, the apron, and the stomacher from the last update,so lets start there. 

So, there they are.  Silk garters with blue fabric left over from my Lotto/ACC dress. The reticella stomacher made from the recycled table runner, and my new apron, which also includes vintage lace.  I feel like I should talk more, but the construction on all of those pieces was pretty straight forward and I've obsessed about the research previously, so there's not too much to say really.

Regarding current progress.  I need to rescue my camera from kids again and I'll get to documenting what I've done in the last two-ish weeks.  As of this morning the dress is done, as are the sleeves. I just need to decide how I'm attaching them. The girdle is done, as is the veil, and the sleeveless undersmock.  The camicia is about half smocked. Stockings are cut out. I still have buttons and frogs to attach to the cappotto and need to finish the sleeves up.

The biggest projects left to go are the ruffs, the jerkin, gloves, and shoes. The ruffs have me utterly terrified so I need to get to those soon. Gloves are just a matter of doing them when my hands feel reasonably good since I have a well fitted pattern and mock-up. I want to try something a bit different with shoes and try a latchet style so that needs to be drafted still. I may work on the jerkin today or tomorrow depending on how quickly the stockings come together.

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