Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I ordered "zibabies" from Holly at Sable Greyhound for Valentine's for my two oldest children and got to see pictures today. Aren't they adorable? The kids love my zibellino Arcano and I promised they could have their own back last fall. They reminded me just before Christmas and each designed their preferred "pet." As much as I worry about them being destroyed I gave in, with the requirement that they remember that they're not stuffed toys and that they be worn with garb and not played with. They're part of my grandiose plans for Easter/Mystery Event(March 31.) I'm the event steward for Mystery and figured we should look reasonable. Mostly its just an excuse to stuff my entire family into Italian though.

The green one is for my son. It's name is Ranocchio, meaning frog. I plan to decorate his jerkin with frog applique and make him brown Venetians with a matching Italian bonnet. The zibaby will be pinned onto the hat as its "plume." I thought that would be a cute way for a little boy to wear his totally inaccurate, but very fun favor.

My daughter's is named Cerulean. She's rather obsessed with blue these days and I had no input on the name. My daughter has always been my mermaid (she's a Pisces, born in water, with a mermaid name.) Her kirtle will be blue with silver accents and mermaid appliques. I'm planning to push the "fairytale princess" vibe while at least giving a nod to accuracy. Not a very big nod though. Sort of the "whaz-up" head bob really. . .

My two year old twins are also getting their own zibellinos, but theirs really will be toys. I'm working on a fake fur version with a stuffed head for them to wear so they aren't left out. My daughter's dress is purple with fairies and my son's is still up in the air. I might put him in more blue or possibly green. Maybe puppies or knotwork for the decoration. I really haven't had inspiration hit for his outfit yet.

I still have the sleeves to make on my husband's doublet I made last summer and this seems as good an excuse as any. I'll wear one or the other of my dresses depending on my whim. Sort of drifting towards the red, but I've only worn the orange and blue once.

Anyway, I pick up silly accessories Saturday and hopefully I'll have my sewing room organized and set up at some point his weekend so I can start to play with my little group of fairytale outfits.

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